Heather Clark

Heather Clark

Master of Education (MEd) in Home Economics – Online Cohort, 2020

Current Occupation


How was your experience with your UBC Home Economics program?

Wonderful. Throughout the BEd and MEd programs, I gained many contacts and friends with who I am still connected. The instructors throughout the MEd program were outstanding and incredibly supportive. A piece of these programs I have greatly appreciated is the encouragement to become connected with other home economics educators and in community events. Home Economics educators are inspiring, passionate, and have a great willingness to collaborate, share and support others – you couldn’t hope for a more engaged community of educators!

How did your UBC Home Economics program help you in your career?

After graduating from the BEd program I was hired to teach with the Surrey School District, having an almost full teaching load of textiles – it was wonderful. Through this experience and remaining connected to others I was notified when there became an opportunity to join the Fashion and Technology program at Kwantlen Polytechnic University as a faculty member. When ready to pursue further education the Masters of Education in Home Economics Education seemed like a great fit. During the MEd program, I was able to apply learning gained throughout the program immediately in my faculty role at KPU, and had opportunities to connect with classmates in the program across Canada.

Currently, in addition to working with KPU in the Fashion and Technology Program, I am also working with those in the UBC BEd program in Home Economics focused courses. Without education gained in the BEd program, and then completing the MEd program I would not have had the career that I have had. This education had also presented numerous opportunities to become connected with many outstanding educators within the field of home economics and fashion education, and many incredible students.

The field of Home Economics has evolved – what is your message to prospective students about the value and relevancy of this field today?

To be open-minded and disregard your previous understandings of what Home Economics is. Home Economics is wide-ranging, with components that we interact with on a daily basis, from what we choose to eat, wear, and live and how all of these decisions and those around us have a part to play in this world we call home. There is much more to home economics than ‘just’ cooking and sewing. There is a great depth to the field of home economics with spaces for educators and learners to delve into certain topics, personalizing understanding, reflecting on both local and global perspectives, and envisioning potential future positive changes for both their local and broader communities.

What do you love most about the field of Home Economics?

The applied and hand on nature of the field. It is a wonderful combination of theoretical knowledge with practical application, with much that can be learned in a hands-on way. And also the home economics educator community, the work that THESA, the home economics specialist association, has done in engaging, and supporting this community is outstanding.