Diploma in Education – Home Economics Education
Home economics teachers are in high demand in BC and Canada. Whether you are a home economics teacher who wishes to further your specialization expertise, or you are a qualified teacher who wishes to add a specialization in home economics, the Home Economics Diploma in Education program can assist you.
The Diploma in Education is a 30 credit post-degree program designed to help teachers extend and deepen their knowledge of theory and pedagogy related to the teaching of home economics in schools. Teachers who complete their diploma may apply to the Teacher Qualification Service for a qualification upgrade.
Apply to take your Home Economics Diploma in Education by attending online or on-campus courses. Occasionally, the Home Economics Diploma is offered as an off-campus program.
Core Courses
Note: Five core courses are required (15 credits)
- EDCP 491 (3)* – Home Economics II - Secondary: Curriculum and Pedagogy
Pre requisite: EDCP 391. This requirement is waived for home economics diploma students who are qualified teachers. - EDCP 492 (3)* – Special Study in Home Economics: Textile Studies
- EDCP 493 (3)* – Special Study in Home Economics: Foods Studies
- EDCP 494 (3)* – Special Study in Home Economics: Family Studies
- EDCP 498 (3)* – Curriculum Inquiry in Home Economics
This course replaces EDCP 495B
*These courses are offered online.
These courses are offered online. Browse the UBC Course Calendar to determine when the courses are offered in the current session. Not all courses are offered each term.Elective Courses
Choose five courses from this list (15 credits).
Pre-Approved courses in the Faculty of Education, UBC
Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy (EDCP)
Choose from:
- EDCP 325 (3) – Approaches to Health Education
- EDCP 326 (3) – Health Education: Curriculum & Instruction
- EDCP 327 (3) – Special Topics in Health Education
- EDCP 329 (3) – Agriculture in the Classroom
- EDCP 362B (3) – Assessment and Evaluation in Home Economics: Textile Studies
- EDCP 362E (3) – Assessment and Evaluation in Home Economics: Food Studies
- EDCP 390 – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Elementary and Middle School Home Economics
- EDCP 391 (3) – Curriculum and Pedagogy in Secondary Home Economics: Part I
- EDCP 392 (3) – Assessment and Evaluation in Textile Studies: Home Economics
- EDCP 495 (A,C,D, or E) (3)** – Special Topics in Home Economics Education
(One to four courses available; read the online description for each academic session, or term, in the UBC Course Calendar) - EDCP 467D (3) – Practical Foods
OR, choose electives from UBC faculties or other institutions.
Suggested Courses from Other Faculties/Institutions
- If you plan to complete courses outside of UBC at another university or at a college to transfer credits to your UBC Diploma in Education program, you need to obtain prior written approval (via email) from a Faculty of Education Program Manager (graham.setters@ubc.ca) before registering at another institution.
- Upon successful completion of the course, arrange for an official (sealed) transcript from the other institution to be sent directly to the Teacher Education Office (2125 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4). To be recognized as official, transcripts must be received in the original sealed envelope bearing the name and address of the university. Please do not send transcripts to UBC general Admissions.
It is the student’s responsibility to determine if and when pre-approved electives are offered. The examples in the list may not be offered or changed course names and numbers.
For example:
- Family Studies (e.g., FMST 314, 316)
- Sociology (e.g., SOCI 320, 342, 324, 364, 4301***, 415)
- Gender Studies (e.g., GRSJ 300***, 326)
- Theatre (e.g., THTR 356)
Faculty of Land and Food Systems, UBC
For example:
- Food, Nutrition and Health (e.g., FNH 340, 355, 402)
Athabasca University
For example:
- Nutrition (e.g., NUTR 330, NUTR 331, NUTR 405)
Kwantlen Polytechnic University†
For example:
- Fashion Design and Technology (e.g., FSDP 9005, 9007, 9012, 9015)
- For more information: http://www.kpu.ca/design/fashion/credit-courses-teachers
Each of these courses will transfer as UBC EDCP 4th (3 credits) - You are able to transfer a maximum of 12 credits non-UBC courses to your Diploma in HMED
Prior approval must be obtained (bette.shippam@ubc.ca) and official (sealed) transcripts must be sent upon successful completion to the Teacher Education Office directly: 2125 Main Mall, UBC, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
Contact: cpsdesign@kpu.ca
Thompson Rivers University/Open Learning
For example:
- Sociology (e.g., SOCI 4301 – formerly SOCI 430; 4311 – formerly SOCI 431††)
- Biological Science (e.g., BIOL 3431 – formerly BISC 399)
* Online course
** Only EDCP 498 is offered online. The others (A,C,D,E,F) are rarely offered.
*** May be offered online through UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology.
† Courses vary and are usually offered as one-week summer institutes.
†† These are distance education courses.
BEd or equivalent Teacher Education program.
Find out more information about how to apply and register.
For the most up-to-date information on this program, including admissions information and program requirements, please visit the UBC Calendar.
Apply via the Teacher Education Office
in partnership with:
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This program is offered by the Department of Curriculum & Pedagogy. |