- Current UBC graduate and undergraduate students
- Diploma & Certificate students
- Non-degree/Unclassified students
Subject Areas
To find available course sections click the course code to open the UBC Calendar. Online courses are not available every term and there may be on-campus sections in the calendar, so check the course details to ensure you register in the right section.COURSES
ADHE Course Waitlists
Due to the demand for our courses we have a waitlist for classes that are full. Please sign up for the waitlist section of the course.
Please note, for undergraduate students, ADHE courses are currently restricted to 3rd and 4th year students. If you are a 1st or 2nd year undergraduate student who wishes to take an ADHE course, you will require permission/approval from the Department of Educational Studies. Please e-mail ADHE Area Coordinator, Kapil Regmi at kapil.regmi@ubc.ca.
Please be aware of the following provisions impacting ADHE waitlists:
- Registration for a course is blocked once all sections of that course in that term are full. Once blocked, students will be prevented from registering and should register for the corresponding waitlist section (please note, there is one wait list section per course as opposed to one per section).
- Waitlists work on a priority basis; if seats become available, priority will be given to students registered in the following programs: 1st – EDST MA/MEd, all DEDU/Certificate, Arts Minor in Community, Adult & Higher Education, 2nd – Unclassified, Visiting, 3rd - BEd, BSc Kinesiology (3rd and 4th year), 4th – 3rd and 4th year from any faculty/program. Any additional remaining seats will be assigned to students by order in which they registered.
- Students will be moved into the course from the waitlist as seats become available. Please note, students will be moved into the first available section without consideration for instructor preferences, etc.
- Students are responsible for checking the SSC to confirm/validate registration. If a student has been moved to a course from a waitlist and no longer wishes to be in the course they are responsible for removing themselves from the appropriate section in advance of any withdrawal deadlines.
- Waitlists will be monitored on a routine basis. If you see a space available in a blocked course this means that students have not yet been moved that day or that someone has dropped the course after students were moved that day. In the latter case, the seat(s) will be assigned on the next possible day.
- In most cases, waitlists will continue to be active and monitored only for the first part of the term. In the case of the Winter terms, they will be active and monitored until the end of the first Friday of the term. In the case of Summer terms, they will be active and monitored until the end of the second day of the term.
If you have questions, please contact online.educ@ubc.ca.
CNPS courses are restricted to students in the Faculty of Education and Unclassified students initially. Non-Education undergraduate students will be able to register for them beginning March 20 after 10:00 am Pacific Time.
CNPS Course Waitlists
CNPS Course Waitlists – Please note that there are no waitlists for CNPS courses.
Please be aware of the following provisions impacting CNPS waitlists:
- CNPS courses are restricted to students in the Faculty of Education and Unclassified students initially. Non-Education undergraduate students will be able to register for them beginning March 20 after 10:00 am Pacific Time.
- Students are responsible for checking Workday to confirm/validate registration. If a student no longer wishes to be in the course they are responsible for removing themselves from the appropriate section in advance of any withdrawal deadlines.
If you have questions, please contact online.educ@ubc.ca.
ECED Course Waitlists
Due to the demand for our courses we have a waitlist for classes that are full. Please sign up for the waitlist section of the course.
Please be aware of the following provisions impacting ECED waitlists:
- Registration for a course is blocked once all sections of that course in that term are full. Once blocked, students will be prevented from registering and should register for the corresponding waitlist section (please note, there is one wait list section per course as opposed to one per section).
- Waitlists work on a priority basis; if seats become available, priority will be given to students registered in the following programs: 1st – ECED MA/MEd (subject to seat availability for graduate students in a given section), all DEDU/Certificate, Arts Minor in in Education – Early Childhood Education, 2nd – Unclassified, Visiting, 3rd - BEd, BSc Kinesiology (3rd and 4th year), 4th – 3rd and 4th year from any faculty/program, 5th – 2nd and 1st year from any faculty/program. Any additional remaining seats will be assigned to students by order in which they registered.
- Students will be moved into the course from the waitlist as seats become available. Please note, students will be moved into the first available section without consideration for instructor preferences, etc.
- Students are responsible for checking the SSC to confirm/validate registration. If a student has been moved to a course from a waitlist and no longer wishes to be in the course they are responsible for removing themselves from the appropriate section in advance of any withdrawal deadlines.
- Waitlists will be monitored on a routine basis. If you see a space available in a blocked course this means that students have not yet been moved that day or that someone has dropped the course after students were moved that day. In the latter case, the seat(s) will be assigned on the next possible day.
- In most cases, waitlists will continue to be active and monitored only for the first part of the term. In the case of the Winter terms, they will be active and monitored until the end of the first Friday of the term. In the case of Summer terms, they will be active and monitored until the end of the second day of the term.
If you have questions, please contact online.educ@ubc.ca.
EPSE Course Waitlists
Due to the demand for our courses we have a waitlist for classes that are full. Please sign up for the waitlist section of the course.
Please be aware of the following provisions impacting EPSE waitlists:
- Registration for a course is blocked once all sections of that course in that term are full. Once blocked, students will be prevented from registering and should register for the corresponding waitlist section (please note, there is one wait list section per course as opposed to one per section).
- Waitlists work on a priority basis; if seats become available, priority will be given to students registered following the order of restriction removal given in the course description.
- Students will be moved into the course from the waitlist as seats become available. Please note, students will be moved into the first available section without consideration for instructor preferences, etc.
- Students are responsible for checking the SSC to confirm/validate registration. If a student has been moved to a course from a waitlist and no longer wishes to be in the course they are responsible for removing themselves from the appropriate section in advance of any withdrawal deadlines.
- Waitlists will be monitored on a routine basis. If you see a space available in a blocked course this means that students have not yet been moved that day or that someone has dropped the course after students were moved that day. In the latter case, the seat(s) will be assigned on the next possible day.
- In most cases, waitlists will continue to be active and monitored only for the first part of the term. In the case of the Winter terms, they will be active and monitored until the end of the first Friday of the term. In the case of Summer terms, they will be active and monitored until the end of the second day of the term.
Get information on restriction removals and waitlist priorities.
If you have questions, please contact online.educ@ubc.ca.
LIBE Course Waitlists
For wait-listed students please note the following:
- Please be aware that registration is blocked once courses are full, which prevents everyone from registering. If your registration is blocked, please check to see if the course is full, and then sign up for the waitlist section of the course.
- The waitlist works on a priority basis; if seats become available they are given to students who are registered in the following programs: (a) DEDU LIBE, (b) DEDU LLED, and (c) EDUC Certificate LIBE. This is followed by students outside of these programs by registration date.
- Students will be moved into the class automatically as seats become available. Please check the SSC to confirm your registration.
- We will be moving in students off the waitlist and into the course once per day. If you see a space available in the course that means we have either not moved in students today, or that someone has dropped the course after we have moved in students and that seat will not be assigned until the next day.
- In most cases waitlists will continue to be active and will be monitored up to the last day to withdraw without a W standing for the term.
- If you have any further questions please contact pdce.educ@ubc.ca.
LLED Course Waitlists
Due to the demand for our courses we have a waitlist for classes that are full. Please sign up for the waitlist section of the course.
For wait-listed students please note the following:
- Please be aware that registration is blocked once courses are full, which prevents everyone from registering. If your registration is blocked, please check to see if the course is full, and then sign up for the waitlist section of the course.
- The waitlist works on a priority basis; if seats become available they are given to students who are registered in the following programs: (a) DEDU LIBE, (b) DEDU LLED, and (c) EDUC Certificate LIBE. This is followed by students outside of these programs by registration date.
- Students will be moved into the class automatically as seats become available. Please check the SSC to confirm your registration.
- We will be moving in students off the waitlist and into the course once per day. If you see a space available in the course that means we have either not moved in students today, or that someone has dropped the course after we have moved in students and that seat will not be assigned until the next day.
- In most cases waitlists will continue to be active and will be monitored up to the last day to withdraw without a W standing for the term.
- If you have any further questions please contact pdce.educ@ubc.ca.